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Set up Shopping ads

  • By admin
  • November 23, 2021

Let’s imagine: you search the Internet and think about buying a new Gucci bag. Right in the search box, type in the phrase buy Gucci bag’ and you see the following block:

They are called ‘Shopping ads’. They are striking with clear photos, introduce the price, show the names of online stores. And believe me, even if you choose to follow a link in the SERP, there will be someone who clicks on your product ad! It works, so using such a tool to promote your products is a good decision. Now let’s find out more about what types of product advertising are on the Internet, how to set up ads on the most popular platform – Google. Read on for more details.

What are Product Ads and Google Shopping Ads

Product ads are a type of advertising campaign on the Google search network. Its peculiarity is displaying banners with information about products. The system loads all the necessary data from feeds that are generated during setup. But more on that below.

Ads are displayed in search results on the right or in search results:


How Google Shopping works

When a user enters a specific request in the search bar to buy a product, he is shown a block with offers from advertisers. If you still go to the Purchase tab, a marketplace with a large number of ads will open. You can flip through ads and view photos without going to store pages. If you like something, click on the ad and find yourself in a full-fledged product card, where you can already order the product of interest.

Preparing to launch product advertising

First of all, you need to make sure that the site is ready for an advertising campaign. To work with Google purchases, you must follow several rules:

  • You can only advertise products in stock;
  • it is allowed to add products to ads that do not belong to prohibited content;
  • the presence of clearly stated conditions for the return of goods or money is mandatory;
  • the terms of payment must be specified in the checkout basket itself, and not just in the appropriate section.
  • It is also necessary to indicate the actual cost of the goods, add high-quality pictures. The site must run on a secure HTTPS protocol. If there is a problem even with one thing, it can negatively affect the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

Who are Google Shopping ads suitable for?

This tool can be used by different businessmen:

sellers from niches with high competition and cost per click;

  • sellers from niches with high competition and cost per click;
  • retailers wishing to show a rich assortment;
  • online stores that bid for low prices.
  • It’s best not to promote products that are overly complex through Shopping ads. It should be something simple that people buy without any problems even spontaneously: clothes, shoes, smartphones. If you need to carefully study the characteristics, consult with experts, then a smart shopping campaign may not work as you would like.


Almost any simple product category on Google Shopping sells successfully. The main thing is to properly prepare the site for the advertising campaign and complete the settings in the mentioned services. Of course, developing a product feed is also necessary. Do everything consistently and there will be no problems. If it becomes difficult, Google Shopping customization specialists are always ready to provide services.

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