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  • By admin
  • December 13, 2020

Site operation depends a lot on hosting. Unfortunately, this is often forgotten. It is believed that hosting is necessary solely to provide the space needed to host the resource. However, today its functionality also includes connection to specialized software.

It is believed that the main thing in the Internet business is the search engine optimization of the site. However, don’t forget about hosting. Because it ensures the health of the resource. Even if the site ranks first in the top of the search engine, due to hosting problems, it may simply not work. This will turn all spent efforts on search engine optimization of the site and all services attached to it into nothing. Since no one can use this resource. Therefore, you should not forget about the importance of hosting.

Primary requirements

When choosing a hosting provider, you need to pay attention to several indicators of its work. He must have: a license for the provision of services, customer support, broadband Internet channels, duplicated life support systems.

The concept of “server” is inseparable from hosting. In fact, this is just a regular computer. If you wish, you can even make your own home for them. However, there are several reasons why this should not be done. For example, it will be very difficult to create conditions for duplicating hardware, security, etc.

A hosting provider needs flexibility, reliability, professional support (and preferably around the clock), and security.

In the field of shared hosting, the majority offer, as a rule, similar resources. Naturally, this stimulates competition, so more and more new services appear. One of the popular offers is a flexible software installation. Some providers allow you to use it even with shared hosting (previously it could only be used on dedicated servers).

Reliability is key

Perhaps the main requirement for a hosting provider is its reliability. This is due to the fact that working with interruptions significantly reduces the level of trust in the site from its users. Ensuring reliability consists of several actions: the ability to restore data, backup, notification system in case of failure, duplication of server hardware, constant monitoring of health.

User support is a mandatory attribute of a hosting provider. It assumes the possibility of consultation (often around the clock) on issues related to the operation of the server.

Don’t forget about safety

One of the most important indicators of a hosting provider’s performance is security. However, do not think that the provider will create complete protection for the site using its services. It is very easy to export content or work of resources (especially those working on any CMS). Therefore, it is important not to rely on the reliability of the hosting provider, but to protect your resource yourself.

Also, the site developer must pay significant attention to protecting against DDoS attacks. They are a massive sending of a large number of requests to the server to stop serving them; however, because of this, the site stops processing all incoming requests, even from real users. Resistance to DDoS attacks is determined by the number of requests that need to be sent to harm the resource.

However, in this case, the hosting provider also provides partial protection. It is quite difficult to stop such an attack. Usually hosting providers disconnect the attacked resource. This is done in order to protect other clients, whose sites may be hosted on the same server. However, this technique can hardly be called adequate, especially from the side of the attacked resource. There is another solution to this problem: filter out real requests from fake ones. But this method is costly and assumes a good level of relationship with channel operators.