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The power of brand promotion

  • By admin
  • October 22, 2020

Brand promotion, like site search engine promotion, should be carried out as a set of measures, based on a clear action plan. Such a scenario of work includes several components.

Correct advertising placement: a competent combination of PR support, ATL (print advertising, TV, radio advertising, etc.) and BTL (exhibitions, promotions, etc.). Methods of Internet support, such as the development of Internet projects, contextual advertising, etc., are now also considered a mandatory element. The correct combination of these forms of work makes the advertising message as simple as possible, which makes it easier for consumers to perceive it. And this already allows them to create a brand image in their minds.

Choosing an idea. This stage includes the development of an advertising message, image, characters, etc. This also includes the process of adapting all these components to advertising media. The main goal here is to convey values ​​that are meaningful to consumers and create an emotionally colored image that will be able to attract the attention of both the target audience and society as a whole. The right combination of aggressiveness and literacy will create the right conditions for the productive growth of the company.

Production and sales

We are talking about corporate identity, advertising printing, souvenirs, advertising materials, exhibition samples, etc. These items are required. They significantly increase the company’s awareness and give it a more solid look in the eyes of partners and the public.

Strict adherence to all points of brand promotion allows you to get high results. However, the idea itself, no matter how good it is, is worthless if it does not have a worthy implementation. Moreover, the more non-standard these channels are, the higher its efficiency will be. It is especially important here not to limit the scope of promotion exclusively by traditional methods (TV, radio, press), but to look for new opportunities:

Product placement

It means mentioning the name or image of a product in films, books, etc. If a person sees something from his favorite actor (or character), the probability of acquiring it is very high.


This promotion method is very effective. However, it should be used when the brand is already known and sufficiently recognizable. In addition to being mentioned, sponsorship creates a more “human” brand image, especially if a social project is supported.

Chart show

Today this is one of the most fertile grounds for advertising. Most of these programs have a fairly high rating. Therefore, the appearance of mentioning the product in any way (for example, as a treat to the audience or something else) will be very effective.

Street advertising. As a rule, it is represented mainly by distributing leaflets in crowded places. However, with the proper manifestation of imagination (for example, inscribing product samples in a street show), you can get a much greater effect.

Audio branding

This concept means the use of various melodies and motives in product promotion. As a rule, they are quickly remembered and easily dispersed in society.

The combination of these promotion methods allows you to create a successful brand. Which, in turn, will have a positive impact on the development of the company.