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  • By admin
  • December 11, 2020

The field of web development is constantly changing. Therefore, developers simply must be aware of the news, successfully apply the latest trends, and be able to work with new tools.

First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the terms:

  • Front-end is the client-side of the user interface. This concept includes everything that a user sees when loading a web page: site design, usability, various forms.
  • Back-End is a programming process whose ultimate goal is to develop the server-side of a web resource and combine it with the user side.
  • Full-stack is a combination of the previous concepts.

Front-end development

It’s pretty easy to understand what front-end development is. To do this, you just need to open the code of any web page. This code is the result of the frontend developer activity.

The page code describes everything available to the visitor on the visible part of the site. This is the font of the text, and colors, and layout, and the placement of all other components of the page.

The following languages ​​are used for the front-end, of which only one is a programming language:

HTML is a hypertext markup language that is used to build the structure of a web page: headings, paragraphs, lists, and more.

CSS is the language used to describe the appearance of pages. It is this code that is responsible for recognizing the individual elements on the page by the browser.

JavaScript is a multi-paradigm programming language designed for use in browsers. JavaScript adds interactivity and brings website pages to life.


Back-end development – site programming, during which the web resource is filled with functionality. One of the main functions of the backend is handling user information from the front-end. The development task in this case is to transform the received information into a more understandable form for the front-end.

The backend developer uses all the tools that are available on his server to work. These can be any universal programming languages: PHP, Java, Ruby, Python.

Backend Programmer Tasks can vary depending on the purpose of the work. His areas of expertise include database integration, security, and the creation of special technologies for backups.


A Full-stack programmer is directly involved in every stage of web application development. But its main task is to create the right framework for the application that can handle all the further workload.

Mastering all the necessary skills for such a development is not an easy and rather long process. In this case, the programmer must possess both all the skills necessary to create the client-side of the user interface, and the means with which it is possible to build the work of the site.