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  • By admin
  • July 24, 2020

Recently, in order to look representative in the eyes of clients or partners, it was enough to have a business card and a few positive reviews from outside. At present, the role of the image in positioning the company and its proposals has been revised and significantly increased.

Today, a well-formed image of a company on the Internet allows:

  • increase the prestige of the company, because the development of a corporate identity indicates the company’s attention not only to production issues;
  • improve the effectiveness of advertising and various promotional activities, incl. and website search engine optimization. Facilitating the introduction of new products and services on the market, because it is easier for a company with an established image to bring a product to the market, brand recognition also occurs.
  • increase the competitiveness of the company, because, in conditions of equal goods, competition is at the level of the firm’s images.

Essentially, any organization has an image, whether it is being worked on or not. If this issue is let go, the image will be formed spontaneously among consumers, and there is no guarantee that it will be adequate and favorable for the company. Most companies have already realized that it is much easier to build an image from scratch than to change a spontaneously formed self-image.

The formation of the company’s image must be adequate, original, flexible, and have a precise address. To be adequate means to correspond to the really existing image or the specifics of the company. To be original means to be different from the images of other companies, especially from the closest competitors. Do not become outdated, do not go out of fashion, constantly improve their services, change, seem unchanged. Having a precise focus means to be attractive to a specific target audience, i.e. for current and potential customers.

To do this, you need to work in three main directions:

  • marketing – development of an image in accordance with the goals and objectives of the company, which are aimed at increasing sales;
  • client – drawing up an image that is supposed to be most easily assimilated by a potential audience;
  • HR – work with company employees aimed at increasing team cohesion (after all, they are a kind of confidants who tell the whole truth “firsthand” to potential clients).

Currently, the main tools for broadcasting the image should be considered the development of a logo and corporate identity, advertising and BTL campaigns using them, a website of any complexity, various souvenir products, and much more.